
Chasing the shadows away and bringing back connection between individuals and their Creator, emphasizing healing for Native Americans.

To draw all people to a love of Creator (Jesus/Yahweh) and each other, and to help bring unity to the church of America and abroad by helping undo a grievous wrong and welcoming Native brothers and sisters into the body of Christ as Natives instead of trying to make them look and act like whites. We have much to give one another.

We are based out of Chiloquin, Oregon and the founders are Calvin “Buttons” Shadley (Ghostdancer Shadley), Pastor Don Gentry, Pastor Mary Gentry, Pastor Diana Shadley, Laura Grabner, and Sandy Cathcart.

don and mary gentry try 2 Pastors Don and Mary Gentry

laura grabner

Laura Grabner is a Wasco elder from Warm Springs Reservation. Her faith in Creator Yahweh was passed down through her Grandmother Wapanesia, whose father also walked the Jesus Way. Laura was bussed off the reservation to a boarding school when she was just a young girl, but has found healing and restoration through her faith in Jesus/Yeshua.

Diana Shadley for page 2 Pastor Diana Shadley is affiliated with the Kahnawake Band of Mohawk in First Nations, Quebec, Canada. She became reservation connected when she married Calvin “Buttons” Shadley (Ghostdancer Shadley), a member of the Wasco and Klamath Tribes. They became ministers, packing Creator’s words (the Bible) into Calvin’s reservations. Along with Calvin’s extended family ministry team, they offered love, support and encouragement to natives, veterans, elders, and homeless people wherever they went. As she walked the Jesus way, as fully Christian and fully native, Diana submitted herself to the teaching of Calvin’s mother and respected elder, Laura Grabner. Now, Diana teaches as a widow and elder who is received with honor and respect as a valuable part of the family ministry team.

Diana’s message is of how the Creator loves His children and desires to bring His forgiveness, love, reconciliation, and restoration to the wounded warriors who have suffered at the hands of an oppressor. This message is delivered in respect to Native culture with honor and dignity. It teaches and encourages worship of the Creator (Jesus) the way He created each individual, incorporating language, dance, instruments, songs and storytelling.

Diana is currently working as a team with Sandy Cathcart on a series of books and art featuring authentic Native American culture.

sandy-photo-sm from internet 2 Sandy Cathcart considers herself a scribe as she travels with Diana and Stinta, recording stories of a people who have much to offer in the way of walking in beauty. She is an award-winning writer and artist. She has traveled extensively, fishing the Sea of Ohotsk in Far East Russia, sailing over Lake Baikal in Siberia, cycling the backroads of China, rowing across the rivers of Vietnam, swimming in Israel’s Dead Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, trekking across Peru and Haiti, and hiking across Lantau Island.
Sandy grew up on stories of her Cherokee great grandmother who was a healer in the Red Rock, Arkansas area. Because of these stories and her involvement with Native Americans, she believes in restoration and transformation through giving worth to a people who offer valuable ways of worshiping Creator, the God of the Bible.

She and her husband, The Cat Man, work as cook and guide for 4E Guide and Supply, a wilderness outfitter in the High Cascades of Oregon. With The Cat Man, she rafts rivers in tahitis, hunts deer and elk, skis, canoes marshlands, tracks antelope across the desert, fishes rivers and lakes, sailboards and water skis, climbs mountains, hikes on a daily basis, and just about anything else there is to do in the outdoors.

Sandy writes about Creator and everything wild and is currently working as a team with Diana Shadley on a series of books and art featuring authentic Native American culture.

One thought on “About

  1. We are working on our website and are committed to the Restoration of our people to Yud-Hey Vav-Hey I AM your God that we will become lovers of Yeshua

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